Αυτή είναι η πρώτη προσπάθια που έκανα για κάτι καινούριο στο μπλογκ.Η συνέντευξη είναι πέρα για πέρα αληθινή.
Πριν λίγο καιρό έστειλα μήνυμα στον Scott στην διεύθυνση myspace και του πρότεινα να κάνουμε αυτό το πράμα.Του είπα στην αρχή ότι θα ήταν πιο ζωντανό και άμεσο να μιλούσαμε μέσω κάποιου προγράμματος instant messenger όπως msn , αλλά δεν υποστήριζε το λειτουργικό του τέτοιο πρόγραμμα ,οπότε του έστειλα κάποια πράγματα που ήθελς να ρωτήσω και γενικά έχει διάφορα να διαβάσετε.
Ακολουθεί το interview:
-Factory Of Angst. Angst means Fear in German. How are you related to Germany , if you are?
Always learn something new each day. That is fantastic.
-Introduce the band to us pleaze...
As the curtain is drawn open. It yields another curtain. The lights dim.... a sweeping hushing sound pans from left to right to front to back. The entire crowd drops 6000 feet into a non-curtain activity. The red rocks can not be seen it is completely black. Stage antics and story telling. The siren (female voices) from 1000's of feet above us... calls all the spirits out of all people. Smashing spirits against the waves and rocks. The sirens eat the souls and give fourth beautiful haunting voices. In the distance we can see a light house warning no one. Who moves that light in all directions. What are the warning signs? As if writing a book could some how yield history. Nine out of 10 people surveyed said that customer service is dead? Before there was T.V. there was radio. But, those radio stations turned into T.V. stations.
Scott and Stevenson
-How old are you guys and when you met?
Timeless ancestry, evolutions from 5 different points? How many generations have come before us?
almost 40
in 1988 we were all in a bunch of different bands playing and going out to shows. in 1991 jefferson told me to try out for stevenson's band. Stevenson was looking for a singer. I was writing poetry and singing melodies that were basically politics of the self and how society impacted us with known and unknowns. This band lasted 2 live shows (1 week and a half). the next day we formed what I called "Orange Peel Bananza" we played for 2 years. That band broke up and that day Stevenson and I created a new band that Stevenson Titled "Factory of Angst" and even though it was hectic, isn't life hectic? Or is this all just calm? is everyone some how connected through ghost story telling? It is common and we all share this fun fright. People telling people stories. these stories made countless images.
-What is the source of inspiration to this music?
if we want to we can make art. experimented with sounds and lyrics and all can match to infinity. looking for the narrator. cassette tape rituals when a tape ages and what not. introductions and what do these characters do and feel? What are the colors around or non colors because of darkness blurry crying eyes, blurred for other reasons too. is it a coinouinceidence that the first years of our lives are maybe the most impressionable, the ones that stick. and yet, and how poetic that we don't remember them. they are us. when is a person average first memory? 2, 3 years? maybe? Well, life has informed me. one day a student's father brought in a keyboard to school to show us. He played a werewolf's cry and I saw the werewolf. He played a witches cackle and I saw a witch cackle. right there in that classroom. werewolf, witch. amazing. with each press of a key. surprises. also There was a known sacred spot that had keyboards behind a glass window. On this particular day I got to go behind that window. pressed down on some string sounds and was in heaven. This joy lasted till I got kicked out about 20 seconds later. those were the best 20 seconds!!!!
I made up my first band in elementary school called "The Food Group" I sang about food. like pizza pa pizza. first you get out the dough and then you make some pizza. I loved watching people make pizza. Eating it was a joy. Why not sing about it. So that was my first band. I had headphones. saw a classical music concert at my school, there the piano player was telling different stories by using the notes. I was lucky to grow up watching Twilight Zone and OuterLimits ( b/w t.v. series from the 50's or 60's), those shows confused my mind in a way that I liked.
-What is music for you?
What is words? What are meanings? What is the sacrifice we don't know we are making? What information have we forgotten only to remember 20 minutes later when we are alone? What if 12 harmonics could not be consciously heard but only subconsciously? Or is it just a assumption? Movement, places, holders, and victory loosely circled entities of light can become a cauldron of ideas. Endless story telling rituals
just a thought - in the early 1990 I stopped listening to music and watching T.V. (I still went to shows) I thought my mind had enough of this world. I needed to find the songs in the birds and airplanes in the sky and forest things and lovely streams and the non-understanding of the past in potential future all in one. I would play acoustic guitar every day for at least 8 hours. trying to find the common song in the current weather, refractive symbolization to understand feeling and character and to allow for misperception and to know information is a good thing.then out of no where in 1995 realizing that living in the west was in pararllel paths with cowboys, trains, six-shooters, ghost towns, old run down covered wagon. gold mining. looking for today's cowboys. today's six-shooters..... And then in 1996 I started working a job 16 hours a day. In my spare mind (Since I did not have any spare time) I dream of playing music and writing songs. I look for art even in a 4 by 4 inch area that is filled with hectic other's.
-What music genre could describe your music better?Cause its way different to mainstream goth or any other darkwave style and it sounds like yourself only i think...
Factory of Angst is a stage play of sorts. With the all the trimmings. I wanted to create a story and have the stage and music be the band. Epic music to me can have a playable function.....
-Bring on the Lettuce???explain ...
A huge wooden old table appears. Hundreds of guests. All grasping forks and knifes banging on the table Bring On the lettuce, Bring on the salad.
a story of people banging on the table with forks and knifes in hand yelling bring on the lettuce, bring on the salad.
-Here Child Finish Your nothing:tell me about that song...
obsessive rituals with distortion and high pitch noise activities. Distorted distorted distorted. The organ and guitar possible floatation's. A possible conclusion. Rituals, rights and nights.
-Plague years,my favourite,i want to read a story about it too...
I am a body on top of a pillar thousands of feet tall. Below me are green or is it yellow and black checkers below. This is a lonely place but I have passion. The strength of one million with in. Some how placed here. Somehow will escape if only just a voice. This strange place is beyond because we start by seeing this from 60,000 feet away and lower left corner activities. The trap. The trap. The tap. the placements are they locked? This bent over body. This scatter brain with focus. This visual memory of the facts. All things make sounds??????
Simple - I pictured being a scared human on top of a pillar that was at least 1 thousand feet tall alone, surrounded by green and black checkers below. This song was a complete visualization from my point of view where the pain was felt. When we write songs, it is based on principles that I believe to be true at the time.
-Tell me your opinion of the mainstream international music.
If music is deep amongst deep and has the keeper in mind maybe it can help the art for the artists out there.
a bird flew in and said "words birds swords shields fields treasure to some particular patterns"
-Do you prefer being an underground uncorrupted band or you could see a major label contract ok ?
maybe some one might ask? Do you enjoy that your songs have not been professionally created or touched.
-Do you have any plans?
dream constantly
-Do you use any music pc programs like fruity loops and stuff or pure synthesyzer.Which if so?
well what was and is fun. for example, on Plague Years. I plugged the piano into my favorite string sound so at the same time stevenson is playing the piano he is also playing my favorite string sound. I love hearing it. and that technology makes me happy.
Cluster events capitalize friction specimens.
Out of the sky fall gifts. Every once in a while... every once in a further moment effect others thus ... hear melodies and words .. words and notes are harmonies creating delays that infused sound together almost creating a dimension with in a mini dimension.